ResearchFox Consulting

What Primary Research Data Looks Like Today

What Primary Research Data Looks Like Today

Many organizations are not making the most of their essential information. The critical information that comes straightforwardly from your clients considers an additional genuine discussion with your crowd. The open doors of important information offer to consider a more grounded relationship with your clients, giving them a superior client experience and giving you the potential […]

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2022 Indian shopping trends: How will your customers shop online?

2022 Indian shopping trends

While brick-and-mortar stores are progressively recovering in popularity, eCommerce continues to dominate. Consumers have grown accustomed to the eCommerce lifestyle in the last 12 months, according to reports. Here are a few Indian buying trends for 2022 that will help you predict how your clients will purchase online in the future. Overview of Online Retail

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What is a Customer Journey Map and how to create it?

What is a Customer Journey Map and how to make it

It might be difficult to comprehend what customers are thinking. You believe you’ve taken into consideration their demands and requirements, yet new technologies, tastes, and purchasing trends develop. In 2021, roughly 70% of online buyers abandoned their carts, according to Baymard Institute. Why would a consumer spend hours adding items to their shopping basket just

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Using Customer Ethnography To Gain In-Dept Consumer Insights

Customer Ethnography.

Leading market research services firms and teams usually head to qualitative consumer research methods when the business or brand needs to analyze its customers’ experience, thoughts, feelings, and actions while they interact with them to build innovative solutions and customer experience strategies The researchers often conduct interviews, surveys, and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) to collect data for their qualitative research after the customers’ event

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Consumer Research: Process, Scope, And Benefits For the FMCG industry

Consumer Research for the FMCG industry

Why is Consumer Research Important for FMCG Companies? Consumer research is a type of market research that aims to understand the needs and desires of consumers. It is important for FMCG companies as it helps them develop products that are in demand by customers. Consumer research can be conducted through surveys, interviews, or focus groups.

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Product Testing Research: Types, Methods, and Applications

Product Testing Research -ResearchFox

To every marketing and product development executive, the value of product testing research is often one of the most complicated issues of all time. This difficulty multiplies when the goals of product testing research are sometimes unclear and that the information, once gathered, is often not utilized at its best. Beginning with the importance of

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Startup Feasibility Study: The first step for your idea to dream a reality.

Startup Feasibility Study - ResearchFox

In today’s highly competitive world, a feasibility study for a new product or service acts as an integral part of the business, including various permutations and combinations. A well-defined start-up feasibility study defines the longevity of the business. One of them is the market feasibility analysis which acts as a window to foresee and curve the roadmap for the

Startup Feasibility Study: The first step for your idea to dream a reality. Read More »

What is customer satisfaction and how to evaluate it?

Customer satisfaction (CSAT).

Low customer satisfaction is equivalent to low brand loyalty and diminishing revenue. Customer retention needs a lot more than an amazing product or service. You will have to agree that customers value the experience they get around the product more than the actual product, or the attractive price. Every stage of the sales funnel plays

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